Runxi Yu

I am Runxi Yu, 于润熙, a 16-year-old student from Shanghai. I am interested in philosophy (e.g. epistemology and political philosophy), mathematics, and some physics. I wouldn't say that I'm that interested in academic computer science, although I do have computer-related projects.

My pronouns are they/them in English and 他 in Chinese.

Liberty finds no refuge in a jurisprudence of doubt. Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992). But neither does liberty find refuge in a jurisprudence that seeks to deny the very freedoms that the constituency has came to expect under stare decisis.

What I value the most [...], is not freedom of speech. It's not the freedom to express myself. It's not the freedom to choose to perform a particular action in a given system. What I value the most is the freedom of association, the ability to escape systems of tyranny—the ability to think and act in terms of "I don't like this employer/school/country, so allow me to leave and be where I wish, or to establish that of my own". It's not even the ramifications of being a silent protest; it's the prospect of being able to choose which system to associate myself with. But that is precisely the type of freedom that the world denies us from. There is no saying, "I don't like this world, so allow me to leave".


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